About Us

LLN About Us

2023 Board of Directors1


The Lighthouse Lymphedema Network, we call ourselves the LLN, is dedicated to educating and creating awareness about lymphedema and related disorders. The LLN annually sponsors a medical conference including patients, caregivers, family members, and medical professionals.

Our Bandages and Garment Fund helps those less fortunate patients in Georgia whose insurance, Medicare or Medicaid will not cover garments or other devices. The LLN publishes a quarterly newsletter. Other materials available include our brochure. Through our website, we hope to provide information both locally and nationally. We have a strong board of directors of 30 volunteers who work tirelessly on various committees, fund raising projects, representing the LLN at health fairs and conferences throughout the year.

Once upon a time, long before “Internet” became a household word, seven people sat around a kitchen table and formed an organization that is now called the Lighthouse Lymphedema Network.

These committed people set goals to educate and create awareness of lymphedema and other lymphatic diseases.  Through their hard work and dedication, these seven people soon grew into many.  The organization was granted 501 (c) (3) status and the Board of Directors began realizing their goals by sponsoring education and awareness events: lymphedema conferences and meetings, a quarterly newsletter and an informational brochure. A website was created, and they branched out to social media outlets.  They organized fundraisers, participated in health and wellness fairs, and assisted patients in need through the special Bandages and Garment Fund.  Since that first meeting way back in 1993, this creative group of volunteers has continued to come up with new ways to educate and raise awareness about lymphedema for all who want to learn.

We have no paid staff, so every dime of contributions goes to fund our annual all-day medical conference, the Bandages and Garments Fund, the LLN website, patient meetings and to print newsletters, brochures, handouts and other materials.

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About Us

The Lighthouse Lymphedema Network is a 501 (C) (3) organization of individuals who are lymphedema patients, or who have an interest in lymphedema.
5290 Matt Hwy
Suite 502-135
Cumming, GA  30028

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